I have had the following understanding for several years now, but never had the courage to write about it because every time I even mentioned it, I was met with such resistance that it caused me to ask God for another witness. Years went by before I finally got the witness I was looking for. It happened during a Wednesday night zoom group. I also had a witness in the word itself. I do not know why Father waited so long to give it to me.
In my journey with Father, I felt like some believers never had the same respect for the written word of God that I do. I began to piece together some things that I found to be reasons for this difference.
Let me begin with my position on the Greek words “logos and rhema”. Every time I heard someone explain those two words, they stated that logos meant the written word and that rhema meant the spoken word of God. My spirit always resisted that explanation. I finally studied it out for myself and found it to be wrong. We can find logos in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance #3056 as (spoken OR written). The Word as a title is given to Christ, the person. We all instinctively know that any title begins with a capital letter. Therefore, we understand when the Bible uses the “W”ord, it is referring to Jesus, the Son of God. But, when it uses the “w”ord, the Bible is referring to the written word.
Here was my second witness:
“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them, and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, AND for the word of God, etc.” (Revelation 20:4).
Surely, we can see that the “word of God,” in the above scripture is speaking of the written word of God since it mentions Jesus AND…the word of God. This “word of God” must be the written word of God and the Greek word used is logos. This scripture confirms what I found to be true. My third witness came through a person.
Now let’s look at another scripture. I believe this scripture, being misunderstood, has been a big stumbling block to believers. For the “word” (logos) of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
Again, this is a small “w” and is referring to the written word of God. The written word of God is ALIVE. It is living. It is not a dead letter. The letter is the law! But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter (Romans7:6). Even though the law was holy, it was a dead letter because it could only produce fruit of SELF-works.
I read the following in a book: “I was taught and believed that Hebrews 4:12 referred to sacred scriptures,” The Word – The Bible.
The author continues: “I didn’t notice that the following verse says, 13: “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” He continues: “Or that the next verse says, 14. “Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
Then the author goes on to say he doesn’t believe that is referring to the written word ANYMORE, but now he believes it is referring to Christ Himself. He reports that he was changing a position he once held concerning the Bible.
I offer another consideration as we ponder this scripture:
Let’s examine the scripture just before the one the author presented in Hebrews 4:12-14.
Hebrews 12:11: Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
The word labour can be found in Strong’s dictionary #4707 – Spondazo: STUDY
And now, Hebrews 4:12 – It begins with the word (“FOR”… then says: the word of God): it is obvious we labour over the written word of God. It is what we STUDY.
This can also be substantiated with Hebrews 4:13 as it begins with the word (“Neither”)! Neither is a word that is used when referencing 2 (or more) alternatives that are being specified: In this case, the written word that testifies of Christ in verse 4 and Christ Himself in verse 5, both of intrinsic value. So, the subject changes in verse 5, not verse 4.
I have seen 2 things happen when someone who has been in religion and has only had a head knowledge of the Bible, and then received the Author; they change their view of the Bible, not realizing that the problem wasn’t the Bible, but the reader. The other thing I have seen happen is that they often let the pendulum swing too far when their understanding changes. When we change our position on any given subject, we need to be cautious not to carry it too far.
When a person reads the word of God, it can seem like a dead letter when you get nothing out of it, but the problem is not with the written word; the problem is with the one reading. His word is alive. The prophecy in the following verse states it this way: All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness (1st Timothy 3:16). The written word of God is God-breathed. Therefore, I read, study, and digest it; that I might catch that breath. The problem is never with the written word; only with the one who reads or hears it read.
I have heard believers say that one day the word and the Spirit will agree. What? Do we serve a schizophrenic God? They can’t be talking about Jesus and the Spirit disagreeing. So, they must be speaking of the written word. Well, the Spirit and the written word agree also, and one day, it will agree in you and in me. Again, the problem is NOT with the written word. I could not read, study, or digest it if it were dead. YUK!
Now, I understand that there are “a few” translation errors. Let me tell you about a living God that can handle that beautifully. Twice, the following happened to me. I was reading the KJ and the Lord said “NO”! I said, “what do you mean, no?”, and He gave me the truth on it. Sure enough, I looked the verse up in another version and it was as He said. So, do not worry about the translation’ just read for your growth’s sake. Bill Boylan taught us that there are many “ologies” that have helped us to understand that the Bible does not have many errors in it, including epistemology, archaeology, paleontology, genealogy, and phraseology.
In closing, I would just like you to ask yourself:
How could a dead letter be a lamp unto my path and a light unto my feet? Your word is a lamp unto my path and a light unto my feet (Psalms 119:142).
How could the truth be dead? Your word is truth (John 17:17b).